How we can work together
Mia’s first book, The Secret Life of Babies, and her new book, It’s Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth and Birth At Any Age, are available here.
An experienced practitioner of over twenty five years, book a private session with Mia. Attend one of Mia’s Incarnational Gesture Courses.
Through the ancient art of cowry shell divination, brought to the West by African Elder, Malidoma Some, ask Mia to consult with your ancestors on your pressing life questions. Click here to book your reading.
Mia was born in Calgary, Canada, and studied at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, graduating in 1998. From there she practiced both chiropractic and craniosacral therapy until committing solely to cranial work and prebirth and birth healing in 2003. After opening Emerging Families, a centre dedicated to therapy, research, and education for the prebirth and birth period, she published her first book, The Secret Life of Babies: How Our Prebirth and Birth Experiences Shape Our World, 2014. Her second book, It's Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth and Birth At Any Age, out this year, is a practical guide to for parents, caregivers, and health care providers. She follows in the tradition of R.D. Laing through her mentor, Andrew Feldmar—whose only approach is to suspend any protocol and labels, and to respectfully follow the patient who is entrusted to guide his or her own life. Her techniques are also influenced by Osteopathy, Body-Mind Centering, and her time serving the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, as well as by her years in The Orphan Wisdom School in Ontario, Canada, and studying with Dr. and Elder, Malidoma Some. Today she practices one-on-one online, hosts a global classroom for her work on Incarnational Gestures, and is soon releasing her downloadable guided meditations for embryonic, birth, and after birth healing. If you are considering working with her, check out the "Evolve With Me" and "Courses" buttons above.
Dr. Kalef’s first book, a bold affirmation that we are sentient before conception and in the womb. This philosophical, scientific, and therapeutic exploration...see more
What lives on in me from prebirth and birth? Is it too late to smoothe out the effects of unwanted circumstances from way back then? What about for my kids? My clients? Join Mia and an international community of practitioners for a gentle and deep group healing journey. Through early embryonic gestures as well as birth and after birth ...learn more.
"This sentinel book should be required reading for all health professionals, especially those involved in childbirth and mental health.” ...see more