Incarnational Gestures Audio Series
Mia's soothing guided audio series. Can you explore embryonic healing at home on your own? What tools can you use to transform your challenging early experiences into the most health and wholeness? Your body holds the memory for how to do this. In this series, practice alongside Mia as she gently guides you through eight embryonic and birth gestures. With beautiful musical accompaniment and Mia's assuring and steady voice, emerge into a world that encourages your most radiant self. Designed to integrate early trauma into a new, more whole present.

Incarnational Gestures Course
Six weeks to begin your lifetime. You are sentient right from the start. Mia shares the miraculous journey of your conception, implantation, discovery in the womb, as well as how your birth and after shape your daily habits today.

The Secret Life of Babies Online Birth Recovery Program
A four-week online birth recovery program for women and babies after challenging births. Up to 60%-80% of women report lasting effects from their child's birth. Many women aren't told what it will be like after induction, epidural, forceps, vacuum, augmentation, or cesarean. The consequences are real and can be felt even decades later in both mothers and babies. This program supports both yours and your baby’s physical and emotional healing, it deepens the bond and communication between you, and builds a supportive community for your parenting journey, all from the comfort of your home.

The Secret Life of Babies; How Our Prebirth And Birth Experiences Shape Our World
A bold affirmation that we are sentient before conception and in the womb, The Secret Life of Babies reveals author Mia Kalef's groundbreaking findings: babies are able to remember their earliest experiences, this consciousness precedes the physical development of the brain itself, and medical interventions during birth—like forceps and Cesareans—can imprint our relationships with the world and disconnect us from our sustainable place in the ecosystem. Kalef provides a six-step protocol for detecting these individual imprints and taking reparative steps for physiological and emotional balance and release. This book offers us an articulate guide to a transformation that can restore our essential nature.

It's Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth And Birth At Any Age
In her follow-up book, Dr. Kalef deepens her exploration of human sentience before conception and during birth. The medical and healthcare community say, "This sentinel book should be required reading for all health professionals, especially those involved in childbirth and mental health.” Whether you aim to understand your baby's messages, are wishing to heal your experiences from your time in the womb and birth, are a health professional, or in a position of care for another, this book offers a courageous and clear guide for decoding and transforming some of society's hardest to reach issues. Join the fascinating journey of embryonic and infant development and the path back to our rich human lives.