In this article I wrote for Currents magazine, a once a year journal dedicated to the work of Body-Mind Centering, I write about a very personal experience. Two and a half years ago, I underwent abdominal surgery to remove a growth, and thanks to the story I tell in this article, I recovered very well. I wrote the article so others might know what to do after surgery for their recovery. Having been a health care practitioner for twenty years, I still could not have known how challenging surgical recovery is. I gained enormous insight into the process that you can read about in the link below…
Indwelling by Mia Kalef for Currents *reprinted with permission
In this article I speak about how soul “indwells” in fascia, and if fascia is cut, as it is in surgery, soul, is in effect, also “cut” from the body. The work of Body-Mind Centering helped me refasten my indwelling soul to my body on the second night in hospital, and with it, my awareness that there is a reason people say, “I never really felt the same after I had surgery”.