Finding Power- The Natural Way

Have you ever had the experience of doing something you didn’t really want to do?

Or of saying the words to yourself, “Well I guess I’ll do it because he or she wants me to”? Or, “Because I’m a nice person, I’ll do it just this once”?

I have. And you know what happens? I end up unhappy about my decision and often have to force myself to follow-through with whatever I’ve agreed to.

It could be a project, an event, a lunch…all in the name of being a “nice” or “good” person.

A bunch of years ago, I discovered that my body really didn’t like the feeling of doing things I didn’t want to do. So I started practicing the exercise I show you in this video.  It has saved me a lot of time, heartache, and even ill-health in my life!

I’m thinking you know a little something about what I’m talking about.

This week on The Sahius, my brand new blog, I talk about how you can FIND POWER IN THE MOST NATURAL WAY by discovering what you really feel about a situation.

One of the biggest truths I live by is:

Trusting yourself is the only power you’ll ever need.

Feel free to twee it out!:

Tweet: @miakalef New video blog: “Trusting yourself is the only power you’ll ever need.” #secretlifeofbabies #intuitiverecoveryproject

You might be wondering, “How do I do that?” Or, “Yeah I, I know what you mean, but easier said than done. There are so many options of how to handle a situation, how can I choose just one?”

On today’s episode of The Sahius see how saving time, feeling empowered, and trusting yourself all can come in the most unusual way!

And…after you watch, don’t just go away, stay and leave your thoughts below. I’d love to hear what tools you use for trusting yourself or how this one went for you!

And if you like this video and want to receive more from me, feel free to follow me on FB or Twitter.

And if you haven’t already, come and sign up for my bi-monthly newsletter below.

Wishing you a clarity and ease-filled day.
