Incarnational Gestures Course

Six Weeks To Begin Your Lifetime

You are sentient right from the start.  Mia shares the miraculous journey of your conception, implantation, discovery in the womb, as well as how your birth and after shape your daily habits today.  Many people look to this course to help smooth out unwanted experiences from these times, and enjoy practicing alongside Mia as she shares embodied visualisations and healing each week.  The course begins with a description and practice using Mia’s unique perspective called, “Family Field” including techniques for holding coherence in the ancestral realm, and then follows you into your incarnating body and beyond.  Join the many others who have enjoyed learning with Mia in this clear and strong container, and take the course at your own pace.

Included Are:

* 6 two hour lectures including Q&A

* Weekly slides to help you visualize embodied embryological development

* Weekly embodiment practices for each stage of development including birth and after birth

* Group field coherence to hold your healing practice in

* Guidance on how to connect with the ancestral realm including healing ancestral patterns

*$325.00 CAD