What Babies Want

“Notice children’s gestures. Ask, “What are they showing me?” @miakalef on miakalef.com/what-babies-want “Babies manage trauma by looking away. Invite them to connect gently.” @miakalef #birth#trauma#recovery miakalef.com/what-babies-want “Rather than coerce, comply with children’s preferences for touch.”#child#health#respect miakalef.com/what-babies-want

The Edge of Your Becoming

Did you like what you hear?  Feel free to tweet these out to your followers! What’s your edge? @miakalef says, “Your leading edge is the edge of your becoming.” Sign up for free miakalef.com/the-edge-of-your-becoming “The Universe learns through you—even through your so-called mistakes.” What’s your leading edge? miakalef.com/blog